Culinary Arts Kids Eat…..C A K E is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit set to inspire under- served youth to live a healthy lifestyle. To lift youth up and… out of poverty.
Through hands on training in culinary arts youth are enriched,empowered and engaged to develop professional skills to prepare them for higher learning and/or enter the workforce.
Did you know that if a teenager grows up in a community entrenched in high crime, extreme poverty, constant cycles of violence steeped in hopelessness, he/she will most likely enter prison before he/she is 18 years of age?
If this same teenager was given an opportunity to develop a life skill…Then, these “at risk” teens will then become ambassadors of hope.
Our mission is to use the culinary arts to revolutionize the way we think of food and the profound impact it has on our youth and their health. Through investing in our culinary arts program youth will become engaged in project-based learning where the outcome is a life skill that will guide them out of poverty.
Mind - Body - Soul …… Life Balance are all ingredients in CAKE’s programs.
Culinary arts is the vehicle but CAKE has many layers!
Youth study: health – wellness – nutrition
Grow own food ~Create fresh healthy recipes
Practice mindful meditation ~ Yoga
Create cookbook “From Our Hood To Yours”
Interpersonal communications
Become social entrepreneurs
C A K E has started locally, in South Los Angeles at Santee Education Complex. Youth are deprived of basic human needs, live in constant fear, and surrounded by dangerous criminal activity. Living in constant stress cause youth to become disengaged. Their health suffers and they slip into the cycles of poverty and violence that so often characterize their communities.
C A K E ’s goals are to work with youth, building their capacity to be catalysts of positive change in their community by providing infrastructure and increased knowledge and resources. Like a seed planted in fertile soil, with a little nourishment, an orchard will grow and thrive.
We believe in the reciprocal relationship that exists between individuals and their environments, just as environments shape behavior, individuals too can shape their environments for the better. For the healthier.
Would you be interested in changing lives? Are you interested in transforming the South Los Angeles landscape into one of opportunity and prosperity?
Come…. let’s all work together to provide a level playing field for our youth who have been living in underserved “hoods” …. Together we will create a new landscape…. a vibrant thriving garden…where every life has a chance to bloom.
To become agents of change!
C A K E enriches, engages, and educates students on life skills through practical knowledge and hands on experience in the culinary arts and restaurant hospitality industry.
Through C A K E 's programs, youth are empowered with confidence and professional skills, to enter the workforce and become ambassadors of health and wellness to their families and communities.
Partnership for Los Angeles Reception at the Biltmore Hotel with Sergio Flores, Assistant Superintendent at Partnership LA, Principal Dr. Martin Gomez, C.A.K.E. founder Mel Nicola, and students